Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dancing Ways to Loosing Weight and Keeping FIT

If we dance like “Madonna”, I am sure we can KEEP VERY YOUNG & FIT!
Dancing is Fun and a Fantastic Way of Loosing Weight and Keeping FIT

Some people will go to DISCO. All the people dress up like the POP STAR~~ All the outbreak of dance movements: ARM SWINGING,FEET STOMPING,TWIST and TURN. Sweat dripping on the floor and can’t stop yelling. Dancing can make you feel happy, burns calories, increase your energy, tones up muscle and strengthens bones.

Madonna music are full of energetic. Fllow the music and dance all night. Dancing can relieve stress and tension. Madonna is the good example of FIT and BAEUTY~~ Today I go to YouTube to search Madonna Music, we can learn it online now! Get more closer and closer to Madonna!!

Everybody can DANCE and It is the good exercise for someone who want to be LOSE weight in the short period of time. It is fun and burn FAT very easy. It is not necessary to go somewhere else to do it. Home, Bathroom, Living Room, Kitchen,Garden and everyplace that you like. I am sure it is the good choice of FITNESS.

Remember: Warm up exercise and COOL Down.
Make sure that the muscles with stretches and to prevent injury.

To the BEST DANCE for your own!!
Let’s DANCE & Enjoy all the best!!

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